If you wish to pay using the postal mail, fill out this form and send it and a Check or Money Order made payable to "DRS Digital Image & Sound, Inc." for $20. (US Dollars) drawn on a U.S. bank to:
DRS Digital Image & Sound, Inc.
Box 88622
Sioux Falls, SD 57109-8622
Residents of the State of South Dakota must add the appropriate Sales Tax (usually 6%).
Please note that we can only accept checks in U.S. dollars drawn on a U.S. bank. Others cannot be processed, as it is too expensive to do this for the $20 dollar shareware fee. Also note that we cannot accept credit cards at this address.
Program Name & Version number: ChordBook v2.1
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(Please include this so we can email your ID number to you).
Model of Macintosh: _______________________________
Mac OS version number: ____________________________
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